Motivational & Inspirational Keynote Speaker
Cultivate Your Most Important Asset: People
Developing your employees is your competitive advantage. Invest in your people. Be dedicated to their development. Show your employees that they matter.
Joel Garfinkle is a sought-after keynote speaker and corporate trainer whose motivational skills will inspire potential leaders to higher levels of achievement.
Joel is the speaker that leading companies hire to unlock the potential of their people. He is inspirational, motivational, and anyone who experiences one of his keynote presentations will come away with new ideas and practical tools that will accelerate their growth and give them a clear vision of what their future holds.
Smart companies are accelerating the use of webinars because they are a cost-effective training tool. As a highly effective webinar speaker, Joel provides participants with a practical set of tools that can be put to use immediately. Your leaders will come away educated, informed and inspired.
Corporate Training
Through highly facilitated engaged interaction and inspirational real-life stories, Joel brings an infusion of fresh new ideas to his trainings. Participants learn to work together to build trust, leverage each other’s’ skills and ideas, and create an action plan that unlocks previously overlooked talent.
Leadership Programs
Joel’s Leadership Development Training Program is a customized six-month growth experience designed to meet the needs of both these important groups. You’ll pick 10-15 of your most talented people for this transformational experience. Through workshops, webinars, and regular coaching they will become the leaders who give you that competitive edge that takes your company to the next level.
Most Requested Topics
Step into Your Power, Convey Confidence, & Lead with Conviction
Influential Leaders
5 Traits That Create High-Impact Leadership
The Power
of Perception
Reputations Are Built on Perception
Release Untapped Potential of Your Underutilized Leaders
“His facilitation style encourages active participation and sharing from the attendees. I highly recommend Joel.”
– Nestle USA
“You stole the show! I learned more in the first 15 minutes of Joel’s presentation than I do at many other conferences.”
– Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry
“I got more out of his three-hour seminar than any multiple-day class I've attended at the American Management Association.”
– Accenture
“Your enthusiasm, style and heart enabled the team to open up and really listen to the message. We hope to be able to bring you back every year to help us keep on track.”
– Cisco Systems, Inc.
“I thought your presentation was right on target for what we needed. I recommend any organization that wants to get the most from its people to hire Joel Garfinkle to accomplish that.”
– Wells Fargo Bank
Why Choose Joel?
An investment in Joel is really an investment in your people
Joel is an inspirational keynote speaker and motivational corporate trainer who is regularly engaged to address forward-thinking corporations and business leadership conferences across the country and around the world.
Delivered more than 1,200 workshops, speeches, and keynote addresses to a distinguished and diverse international client base
Clients include Oracle, Ritz-Carlton Hotels, Warner Bros. Entertainment, Toyota, National Basketball Association (NBA), Nestle USA, Genentech, and many others.

Joel has been speaking for over 20 years as a subject matter expert on executive presence, leading with influence and career advancement

Named one of the top 50 Executive Coaches in America
Global Gurus placed Joel at #14 on its list of top 30 global coaching experts. Forbes rated his company one of “America’s Best Management Consulting Firms.”
First-hand experience working with more than 1,800 coaching clients and top leaders
Joel’s speeches and trainings draw on his first-hand experience of working closely with more than 1,800 coaching clients and top leaders of the world’s leading companies. Visit his video library to watch him in action.
Authored seven books and 300+ articles on leadership
Regularly featured in the national media
Including ABC News, NPR, the New York Times, Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, and Businessweek.