Corporate Team Building Trainings For Executive Leadership

2 Corporate Team Building Trainings For Executive Leadership: (1) Executive Presence, (2) Influential Leaders

Developing your employees is the one competitive advantage that helps uncover your hidden talent and take leaders to the next level.

Team-building events, executive leadership trainings, and corporate seminars are high in demand, and corporations nationwide spend millions of dollars on such programs each and every year.

You might notice that when your employees walk out of one of these seminars, they are bursting with energy and show high levels of enthusiasm. There are speakers who do deliver seminars that bring lasting change. So, what’s the difference between seminars that deliver real results, and those that fizzle out faster than you can say “ROI?”

Smart executive leaders and leading HR authorities know that motivational leadership trainings that follow a uniquely customized tried-and-tested process really work.

As a seasoned motivational speaker with a proven track record, I know how to deliver executive leadership and corporate team-building trainings that get results. My customized approach provides exactly what you need to accelerate your people’s growth.

Two of my top corporate training programs, “Executive Presence” and “Developing Influential Leaders,” will prime your star employees and budding leaders for success. Here’s a brief overview of what these programs will help your employees learn to do.

  1. Executive Presence.

    • Carry themselves with confidence, cultivating the level of gravitas that makes heads turn when they enter a room. They’ll develop a charisma that naturally draws others to them.
    • Establish themselves as trustworthy. This program will show them how to demonstrate their credibility and reliability to give others full confidence in them as leaders.
    • Network with people throughout the organization and beyond, revealing new opportunities for advancement. Developing a rapport with their boss’s boss and other leaders will get them noticed by decision-makers.
    • Understand how to leverage the power of persuasion to build their influence throughout the organization. They’ll learn techniques for convincing others of the merits of their ideas.
    • Gain high-profile projects to demonstrate their full range of abilities. They’ll also learn how to get noticed for all of their accomplishments, getting the recognition they deserve.
  2. Developing Influential Leaders.

    • Gain buy-in for their ideas. They’ll learn how to persuade others to believe in their vision and ideas, so they can exert a significant impact in the organization.
    • Become a person everyone goes to for opinions. The level of respect others have for their thinking will continually bring colleagues and leaders to them for advice and input.
    • Grow a reputation as a local authority in their organization. These leaders will establish themselves as experts with a comprehensive knowledge of their field.
    • Influence important decisions made in the organization. They’ll become a person everyone wants at the table when considering a significant change.
    • Forge strong alliances. Because everyone cares about their opinion, others will want them on their team. These alliances will continue strengthening their value and impact within the company.

In my, I help leaders evaluate their progress and determine the next steps to take. Ongoing check-ins maximize the value of a training by helping leaders ascertain if they’re following the plan they created at the seminar. These sessions will give your people the confidence that they’re on the right track.

Both of these executive leadership trainings will build employee loyalty by having your team see how much you value their development. When you show them this level of investment, they’ll do whatever it takes to prove their dedication to your company.

Do you want to see a jump in your ROI? If you’re looking for real results, hire a keynote and seminar speaker who knows how to prime your employees for increased impact and success.

Copyright © 2024 Joel Garfinkle, All Rights Reserved. Joel Garfinkle is recognized as one of the top 50 coaches in the U.S. He is a Master Certified Coach with 25 years of executive coaching, corporate training, and speaking experience. He is the author of 11 books, including Executive Presence: Step Into Your Power, Convey Confidence and Lead With Conviction. He has worked with many of the world’s leading companies, including Google, Amazon, Deloitte, Eli Lilly, Starbucks, Ritz-Carlton, Oracle, and Microsoft. Subscribe to his Fulfillment at Work Newsletter which is delivered to over 10,000 people. You can view his video library of over 200+ easily actionable 2-minute inspirational video clips by subscribing to his YouTube Channel.

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