Course in Leadership Skill Training
The #1 Leadership Skill Training Course is Executive Presence
Executive presence is what transforms someone from an aspiring leader to a true dynamo. It’s the #1 leadership skill you need to grow to become a next-level leader.
My talk “Executive Presence: Four Ways to Convey Confidence and Command Respect as a Leader” provides an in-depth course in leadership skill training. Often people assume that if they’re not born with executive presence—that incredible level of confidence and poise that we witness in the most effective leaders—they’ll never have it. That’s simply not true. Most great leaders build up their confidence little by little, taking risks that often feel scary, until they finally realize they’ve mastered a skillset they might never have thought they’d develop.
When asked how they select their next-level leaders, 89% of 400 CEOs said they look for one vital quality—executive presence. There’s no more vital quality for professional success.
Here’s what a leadership skills course that provides training on developing executive presence can do for you or your employees.
Learn to project confidence.
Confidence is probably the trait most commonly associated with executive presence. However, confidence doesn’t mean being fearless—that’s a common misconception. Great leaders know how to exude confidence even when they feel nervous. They have an inner belief in themselves that goes deeper than whatever temporary anxiety they are experiencing, and they know that even if they fail in a particular task, they’ll pick themselves up and carry on.
Keep cool under stress.
Similarly, leaders with executive presence know how to stay calm in stressful situations. They keep their head in an emergency, calmly delegating and seeking input when needed. Again, they’re not superhuman people who don’t feel afraid—they just know how to let fear motivate them rather than incapacitate them.Having a calming technique that you can use to keep your cool, like a breathing exercise, will help you stay capable and effective even under a high level of pressure.
Learn to trust and follow your instincts.
Strong leaders trust their intuition. They don’t rely solely on instincts, but they allow instincts to guide them in the right direction. They know their intuition is grounded in years of experience and education. Though they seek the advice and opinions of others, they never minimize the value of the input they get from within.
Nurture others’ development.
Becoming a truly great leader means nurturing the growth of others. True leaders’ charisma stems from their dedication to encouraging others’ success. They serve as a trusted coach and mentor to their employees, who feel comfortable coming to them for advice. They inspire others to think creatively and share innovative ideas. By helping others to reach their full potential, they inspire a high level of loyalty in their people.
Share your vision.
Great leaders also get others excited about their vision. They know how to convey their organization’s mission, vision, and strategy for achieving it, and to help people see how their roles fit into the bigger picture. They understand how to make sure everyone feels like an important piece of the puzzle.
Knowing what makes a good boss or leader great is not enough. You must take steps to put your knowledge into action, like developing the confidence as a leader to exude executive presence. Take a few minutes right now to list the steps you will take this week to become a stronger leader.
Through my leadership skill training courses, I show budding leaders how to excel in all of these ways. I’ll help you develop a workplace full of leaders by sharing actionable strategies that all employees can use to hone these qualities.
Want an executive leadership training that catalyzes real growth in your people? Contact Joel Garfinkle now to learn more. Or, read Joel’s book Executive Presence to gain insider tips and advice on building this vital set of qualities!
Copyright © 2024 Joel Garfinkle, All Rights Reserved. Joel Garfinkle is recognized as one of the top 50 coaches in the U.S. He is a Master Certified Coach with 25 years of executive coaching, corporate training, and speaking experience. He is the author of 11 books, including Executive Presence: Step Into Your Power, Convey Confidence and Lead With Conviction. He has worked with many of the world’s leading companies, including Google, Amazon, Deloitte, Eli Lilly, Starbucks, Ritz-Carlton, Oracle, and Microsoft. Subscribe to his Fulfillment at Work Newsletter which is delivered to over 10,000 people. You can view his video library of over 200+ easily actionable 2-minute inspirational video clips by subscribing to his YouTube Channel.
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