Inspire Women’s Conference
Joel Garfinkle Inspires Women at PBWC Conference to Engage and Excel
Joel Garfinkle is one of a handful of men chosen to present at the PBWC conference. Inspiring women in business takes a deep understanding of the complex nature of business relationships and in-depth experience in corporate life.
Joel’s years of research into executive presence, influential leadership and career advancement are uniquely suited to helping women break the glass ceiling. Where ever they are on the ladder, Joel told them, they advance. They can use the traits that are part of their nature and character to strengthen their company and bring them personal success.
It’s a fallacy that women “need to become more like men” to get promoted. The skills that make strong leaders are ungendered. And variety and diversity within a company or unit increases productivity and profits.
Diversity strengthens companies
Statistics prove that a diverse employee and leadership base improves a company’s bottom line. A recent Gallup study of more than 800 business units in retail and hospitality demonstrates the benefits.
Gender-diverse businesses outperformed the less diverse by 14%- 19%. But diversity is only part of the solution. When women and men engage on an equal footing to solve problems and make decisions, financial performances rises to 45%-58% higher than non-diverse or engaged companies.
Opportunities are there
The McKinsey study said that by a 4:1 margin women think they have fewer opportunities to advance because of their gender then men do.
Joel inspired women at the conference to remember the tremendous cash value they bring to companies. He encouraged them to respect their differences and be confident of the assets they add.
If they have a hard time feeling confident, look to past experiences that showed talent and ability. Or ask associates to list your leadership qualities.
Look for mentors and advocates
Ideally you want to find women in your company who can mentor you and advocate on your behalf. If you can’t find role models in your own company, look first at other women in your industry, then in business in general.
Join together in communities for support and understanding. Inspire and strengthen the women in the group. Use the time to exchange ideas about what’s working or not. Especially in areas where women are traditionally underrepresented—like engineering or tech fields-- you can brainstorm ways to be heard and add more diversity.
Lobby for women-friendly changes
Seek ways to make work and home mesh better. Then work to implement them in your companies. For example, the McKinsey and Company studied women with children who didn’t WANT a leadership role. They found 65% didn’t think they would be able to balance family and work commitments.
But when Google lengthened the maternity leave it allowed from 12 to 18 weeks, the attrition rate of new moms dropped by 50%.
Find the road blocks to you—and other women—reaching success in your fields. Then promote solutions and work-arounds to enable all the benefits of gender-diversity-- benefits which lead to your increased success and the outperformance of your company.
Contact Joel if you would like him to inspire women at your conference. Beyond inspiration, Joel offers valuable training, specific skills, and ways to present yourself and your ideas that will groom you to become a more effective leader.
Copyright © 2024 Joel Garfinkle, All Rights Reserved. Joel Garfinkle is recognized as one of the top 50 coaches in the U.S. He is a Master Certified Coach with 25 years of executive coaching, corporate training, and speaking experience. He is the author of 11 books, including Executive Presence: Step Into Your Power, Convey Confidence and Lead With Conviction. He has worked with many of the world’s leading companies, including Google, Amazon, Deloitte, Eli Lilly, Starbucks, Ritz-Carlton, Oracle, and Microsoft. Subscribe to his Fulfillment at Work Newsletter which is delivered to over 10,000 people. You can view his video library of over 200+ easily actionable 2-minute inspirational video clips by subscribing to his YouTube Channel.
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