Motivational Speakers | New Brunswick Canada

Motivational Speaker Helps New Brunswick, Canada Company Create Influential Leaders

Recently Joel Garfinkle traveled to New Brunswick, Canada as a motivational speaker to teach a regional communications company about effective leadership. They wanted to increase their employee skills and help them lead through influence.

The company’s goal? Make their business more efficient and profitable. They understood developing better leaders would help them keep key millennial workers and help their succession program. Powerful motivational speakers offer that kind of transformation, and this New Brunswick Company was eager to take advantage of it.

Five Steps to More Influential Leadership  

Joel showed the attendees how to increase their influence. They didn’t even have to be in a leadership position to build these kinds of leadership strengths. But he promised them, if they would gain skills in these five areas, they would set themselves up for promotions, enjoy better relationships with their co-workers, and be more effective in their jobs.

    1. Grow in Skills and Education.

      This skill building includes at least these three areas.

      • Gain advanced degrees and certifications in your area. What would be your next step? What is the next level of education you can aim for?
      • Look for self-development courses or seminars. Leadership is not just about technical skills. It also includes intra-personal abilities, learning tact, public speaking, effective listening, and clear communication. Study these areas as well.
      • Learn the core tasks of those around you. In order to be an effective boss, you need to understand the challenges, problems, methods and needs of those you will supervise. This will help you make better decisions, work more productively and earn the appreciation, respect and loyalty of those around you.
    2. Develop your Reputation.

      Joel told the New Brunswick audience that it’s essential to build a reputation as a leader. You do that as you make decisions. But not just any kind of decision.

      The decision needs to be rational and thought out. You can invite discussion and build consensus. Here’s your chance to be a good listener and better understand the problems and issues at hand. Be respectful and set the example of behavior and leadership you expect from others.

      Then make the decision. Don’t be wishy-washy or tentative. Lead out. People will not follow an indecisive leader. Additionally, you need to practice follow up. Don’t delegate and drop it. Set up the expectation of returning and reporting and then stay on top of it. Own the decision.

    3. Learn to Act Pleasant in All Situations.

      At times jobs get stressful. It may be tempting to get angry and yell or blame others for the failure. The best leaders are likeable and not stressful to be around. Cultivate these habits to increase your likeability.

      • Assume the best in people instead of the worst.
      • Look for the good in every person and situation— then praise that.
      • Shoulder the blame when things go wrong and spread the praise when things go right.
      • Criticize in private, praise in public.
      • Remember people’s names and birthdays. If you remember their spouses and children and situations in their lives, they will feel important and valuable. Keep a notebook or create calendar alerts to help with this.
      • Share a complement. Tell people what you admire about them. Let them know you are confident they have the capacity to perform at a high level.
    4. Practice Persuasion.

      Joel motivated the employees by teaching how to persuade. This starts with thinking about what’s important to the stakeholders- other workers, the bosses, the company, and the customers. How will they benefit from your proposed course of action?

      You may want to write down the benefits of your plan so you come prepared to persuade. You also need to know the objections. What concerns will these people have about the change? Be prepared to address these objections and explain how your solution resolves them.

      When you do this, you’ll be miles ahead in becoming a leader and a motivational persuader to your people.

    5. Build your Leadership Presence.

      A leader needs to be visible. They can’t hide away and expect others to notice their work. Establish a plan to increase the recognition of your efforts but not in a bragging or self-congratulatory way. Having an executive presence will provide you with the appropriate level of confidence and respect.

      Reports, emails, discussions with key leaders, and presentations at meetings are all effective ways to increase your leadership presence.

The New Brunswick, Canada Company appreciated Joel’s motivational speech and the valuable information on growing leadership from within. The attendees felt they gained a lot and were prepared to become more influential leaders.

A top-tier program for executive leadership development helps people create a game plan for achieving their vision for their company and career. If you want to increase the influence of your company employees, be sure to reach out to Joel to help provide a corporate training.

Copyright © 2024 Joel Garfinkle, All Rights Reserved. Joel Garfinkle is recognized as one of the top 50 coaches in the U.S. He is a Master Certified Coach with 25 years of executive coaching, corporate training, and speaking experience. He is the author of 11 books, including Executive Presence: Step Into Your Power, Convey Confidence and Lead With Conviction. He has worked with many of the world’s leading companies, including Google, Amazon, Deloitte, Eli Lilly, Starbucks, Ritz-Carlton, Oracle, and Microsoft. Subscribe to his Fulfillment at Work Newsletter which is delivered to over 10,000 people. You can view his video library of over 200+ easily actionable 2-minute inspirational video clips by subscribing to his YouTube Channel.

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