How to be a Great Boss

How to Be a Great Boss

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How to be a Great Boss

Top executive coach Joel Garfinkle has coached hundreds of bosses to greatness. You could be the next one.

Become the boss your employees deserve

No one is born with “boss” skills. You need to learn how to do it. Maybe you were promoted to boss status because you did a good job as an employee. But it’s going to take more than your good track record. With some effort and commitment on your part, you can become the boss your employees deserve and this book will show you how to do it.

Filled with anecdotes, success stories, and qualities of a good boss

The Great Boss book is direct, hard-hitting, and filled with anecdotes, success stories, and how-tos. You’ll learn how to empower your employees, how to train and motivate through feedback, how to create a positive workplace culture, and much more. Buy How to Be a Great Boss now and become the leader you were meant to be.

People quit jobs because of bad bosses

People don’t quit their jobs because of bad pay. They quit because of bad bosses. Don’t let that happen to you. Joel Garfinkle shows how every boss can go from good to great by learning and implementing the seven key qualities that make a good boss.

What are the 7 qualities of a good boss?

No matter where you are on the “Good Boss/Bad Boss” spectrum, there is always room for improvement, and the great boss book will show you how to get to the next level.

  1. Empower employees

  2. Provide growth opportunities

  3. Train through feedback

  4. Make the tough choices

  5. Give thanks

  6. Create a positive workplace culture

  7. Show them the future

Each section provides you with a do-it-now challenge—three or four actions you can take immediately that will enhance your good boss qualities and put you on the great boss fast track.

What makes a good boss? You do!  Small changes, implemented consistently over time, will make a big difference. You are on your way to being a great boss.

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